Bald Mountain & Dollar Mountain After Hours Uphill/Downhill Policy
Check the Mountain Report for the Uphill Status, latest information and conditions before heading out on the mountain.
Check the Mountain Report for the Uphill Status, latest information and conditions before heading out on the mountain.
From the River Run base area, travel up Lower River Run to the intersection with Olympic Lane. Take a left and follow Olympic Lane until you reach the top of the Roundhouse gondola, then veer right and continue on Roundhouse Lane. Roundhouse Lane then intersects Upper College at the top of Frenchman's chairlift. Take a left and travel up Upper College, which will take you to the top of Bald Mountain.
From the River Run base area, travel up Lower River Run past the base of Lookout Express, then veer right onto Sunset Strip. Sunset Strip gradually bends left and connects with Lower College. Follow Lower College to Upper College, which will take you all the way to the top of Bald Mountain.
From the Warm Springs base area, follow Lower Warm Springs to the intersection with Maiden Lane. Take a left on Maiden Lane and travel until you reach Flying Squirrel. Continue up Flying Squirrel, which merges with Upper College at the top of Frenchman's chairlift. Continue on Upper College, which will take you to the top of Bald Mountain.
From the Dollar Mountain base area the only permitted route is Poverty Flats to Sepp's.
Sun Valley's uphill and downhill travel policy, approved by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), allows access for uphill and downhill travelers outside of operational hours. Uphill travel within ski area boundaries poses significant safety concerns for uphill and downhill recreationists, ski area operators, and staff. Sun Valley's policy reflects our commitment to seek a balance between mitigating safety concerns of uphill travel as a recreational use within the downhill ski area/Special Use Permit area and the resort has been granted a Special Use Permit from the USFS.
To protect the public from potential hazards that may exist from time to time, prior to the opening of the ski season, during the ski season, and after the closing of the ski season, the ski area is authorized, with USFS pre-approval, to close areas subject to potential safety hazards and to post signs at uphill access points announcing the closure of those areas.
Sun Valley continues to work closely with the Ketchum Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and local organizations to build awareness and provide public education regarding uphill travel and recreational uses. Our goal is to find a reasonable balance between user groups who share a common interest in recreating within the Sun Valley Special Permit area in a safe, non-confrontational, and sustainable manner.
All participants within the permit boundary are considered skiers and are subject to Idaho Statute title 6 chapter 11, 6-1106 Duties of Skiers.
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